BLACKOUT is the biannual leather run of ONYX, a national organization founded by and for men of color who enjoy the leather lifestyle and believe in inclusivity. Since our first BLACKOUT event back in 1995, each year we’ve brought together hundreds of leather folk and friends from across the nation and around the world. Anyone interested in education and exploration to empower and expand their sexuality, in a fun and nurturing environment is welcome!
In 2022, BLACKOUT 27 will be hosted by ONYX Deep South, Inc (ODS), a 501(c)(3) charity promoting education and welfare for people of color who identify as male within the LGBTQ+ community. ONYX Deep South envisions a world where people are ensured equality and equity regardless of sexual identity, age, race, gender, ethnicity, culture, ability, and experiences.
BLACKOUT is open to EVERYONE – We welcome not only our members but our friends, allies, and supporters and anyone who’s willing to embrace us, literally anyone, regardless of race, gender expression, sexuality, age, or other demographics. For a beautiful, if brief, moment every two years, BLACKOUT creates and sustains a space where racism, transphobia, misogyny, and other forms of discrimination do not exist.
BLACKOUT depends on our community of family, friends, admires, sponsors, and partners like you to make our event a success. We look forward to hosting you in Fort Lauderdale and ensuring that you get the most out of KINKY PARADISE!
CONTACT: Blackout@OnyxDeepSouth.com