ONYX Deep South (ODS), a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, is organized for the charitable and educational purposes of promoting public education and welfare for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) who identify as male within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Plus (LGBTQ+) community. ODS envisions a world where people are ensured equality and equity regardless of sexual identity, age, race, gender, ethnicity, culture, ability, and experiences.
ONYX Deep South is a regional chapter of The Men of ONYX , Inc. (ONYX), which is a National Organization. Our mission is the same as that of The Men of ONYX , Inc. and we hold true to the values and principles of the ONYX Men Code.
The ODS chapter is centered in the Fort Lauderdale, FL area and covers the entire state of Florida as well as the Caribbean. ODS has a longstanding reputation within our community of promoting respect, inclusivity, diversity, and safe spaces for all people to gather. In early 2017, a small group of men in the Fort Lauderdale area held a meet and greet with the intention of forming an ONYX chapter in South Florida. It was their goal to not only create safe spaces for the BIPOC LGBTQ+ community, but also positive representation. As a result of their hard work and dedication, the ONYX Deep South chapter was ratified by vote in September 2017 at BlackOut 22 in New Orleans, LA.
The officers of the 1st ONYX Deep South board were:
Elimination ONYX - President
Magic Man ONYX - Vice-President/Pledge Master
Order ONYX - Secretary
Power ONYX - Treasurer/Sergeant-At-Arms
Spirit ONYX - Road Captain
Zeal Ice ONYX - Historian
ODS is committed to volunteerism, community service, and charitable contributions in support of an array of BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and other community organizations. Throughout our history some of the organizations we’ve shown that commitment to include:
As a part of our commitment to education, we conduct an ODS monthly Educational Series. Please reference our EVENTS page for more info.
ONYX is an organization formed and operated by BIPOC Men who enjoy the leather and/or kink lifestyle. ONYX sets as its goal to provide information and safe spaces to address issues specific to BIPOC who choose to project the positive aspects of the leather and/or kink lifestyle while supporting our community and economic initiatives.
Founded in 1995, ONYX looks to provide education and serve as a bridge for BIPOC Men to the greater Leather community. The founding fathers of ONYX were: Mufasa, David M., Steve B., Nate G. and Wes G.
ONYX currently has the following chapters:
Midwest (based in Chicago),
Southeast (based in Atlanta),
Northeast (based in New York City),
Mid-Atlantic (based in Washington, DC),
Southwest (based in Los Angeles),
Great Lakes (based in Detroit),
Deep South (based in Fort Lauderdale),
Northwest (based in San Francisco),
Lone Star (based in Dallas), and
Gulf Coast (based in New Orleans).
Support, spirituality, safety and saneness are keys to attaining our goals. Toward this end, it is the principal aim of ONYX to develop in its members' the highest standards of loyalty to the laws and established ONYX Men Code and to treat all in society with honor, unselfishness and tolerance.
It is the responsibility of each member to uphold the traditions, standards and practices of this organization as well as the time-honored principles of democracy on which this country was built.
It is the fundamental belief of this organization that no finer means is offered for the achievement of these aims than the brotherly association of persons with similar tastes, inclinations, and goals.
ONYX has a longstanding reputation within the community with members nationwide and internationally. We are the longest existing leather club for BIPOC and are known for our hospitality and our infamous annual fundraisers the ONYX Leather Dance at International Mr. Leather Weekend in Chicago and our Cocktail Party/Gear Show at Mid-Atlantic Leather in Washington, DC. ONYX celebrates its bi-annual anniversary with our ONYX BLACKOUT Weekend Run which occurs in the Fall!
All who support our cause may become members of ONYX. We thank the elders in the BIPOC Leather Community for paving the way in order for us to exist. ONYX honors that tradition and looks forward to many more years.